Hats - you either love 'em or you hate 'em

Before I get into the topic of this post, I wanted to let everyone know that I made it to Memphis safely!  So far I love the apartment and the area that I am in.  I will be only 10 minutes away from work and there is a McAlister's across the street!  Now back to the post...

Some people are hat people.  My mom claims that I look great in hats and that she can't pull them off.  I tell her it's because I have a very large head and therefore more to work with!  Either way, when you invest in a hat you have to be a little more critical than some other apparel purchases simply because you have to consider how much use you will get out of it.  For example, I am always purchasing hats to wear in the winter time, and then I never wear them because I don't want my hair to be flat that day or I just forget.  Even though I got a great deal on the hat it ends up being thrown into the donation pile the next winter.  Therefore I wasn't critical enough when I purchased it.

However, there are some occasions when a hat is more than worthwhile.  I have to have a hat for the beach.  My forehead ALWAYS burns and wearing a cute hat is the only way to prevent it in style.  I'm so glad that the trucker hat trend is over because I had a hard time pulling that off.  Fortunately, hats with a floppy structure and an airy fabric are the big trend right now - making them perfect for those summer months.

Now when I say large floppy hats I'm not telling you that I think you should get a hat that's fit for the derby.  I mean, if you're going to the derby I certainly encourage you to buy a hat that is derby and summer appropriate.  However, the best approach in looking for these great hats is to find one that can be worn on many occasions that you love!  With hats, if you don't see yourself in it on more than one occasion, you probably shouldn't buy it.

One of my favorites is this Eric Javits hat.  His hats always have the best structure but are a little pricy.  If you choose a style like the one below, you can wear it for years to come.

Eric Javits Squishee Swinger Hat - $350

On a budget?  I also love this alternative from Target.  For only $12.99 it doesn't break the bank and you don't have to feel bad if you only wear it on a beach trip or to a summer outing.  

Merona Wide Brim Floppy Hat, $12.99

And who could forget the easiness of the fedora and trilby styles?  For several years these looks have emerged as a trendy way to dress up any outfit or beach attire.  It's a look that you will get lots of use out of if you opt for the right style.   This Burberry look does just that - it has a classic, fitted structure that you can pair with a white top and jeans, or your favorite swimsuit.  

Burberry Woven Trilby, $250

And for the savvy girl who wants to create the same image for a fraction of the price, there are these great options from...you guessed it, Target!  

Merona Floral Band Straw Fedora, $12.99

Mossimo Black Straw Fedora, $12.99

So there you have it - whether your hat is extravagant or simplistic...you've got to work it right!  It's all about the attitude!  

XOXO, Allison

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