For those of you who know me personally, you know that 2012 has not exactly been my year. My track record for hospital visits continued to grow (even out of state!) but lead to two medical diagnoses that were years in the making. This in turn caused me to adjust my life and begin a gluten free lifestyle and focus more on being very health conscious...which has had its ups and downs.
However, the big shock came most recently when my husband of 2 years and I separated after an indiscretion on his behalf.
I have to admit, it's been a pretty dark year but I'm starting to see the possibilities that come with a fresh start...and there's certainly something that could use some revamping - my closet! Over the last year, the medical visits and stress of every day life definitely put my fashion forward attitude on the bench for a few games - but now I'm ready to get back in and give myself the makeover I deserve.
I've always adored the classically chic look of a good pair of boots - seriously, they give any outfit a boost. However, I have been cursed with these calves that any gymnast would envy...oh, and did I mention I'm probably 5'4" on a good day? Basically, I'm not made for the look that I so envy on every lady with legs for days...grr! Fortunately for me, the Fashion Gods and I were aligned for this fall season because shorter boots and shall I say, "booties" are back! Thank YOU! I might finally have a chance...
As you've probably already realized, I have great taste...which just happens to be very expensive as well. I swear if there were a table of boots my favorite pair will always be the pair with a few more digits than I find necessary for my bank account. Why do beautiful, supple, gorgeous boots have to be so darn expensive?
One brand of boots that I am always drawn to is Frye. Seriously, this brand has got it all right...I mean, can you think of many brands that can combine a cowboy, classic, edgy style into one boot without you thinking the boot has multiple personality disorder? There's just one con...these boots are investment pieces. If you're like me, you care for your closet like it's your first born child...and therefore you get a return. For me, a classic boot is a good investment because I know I'll get my money's worth...but emphasis on the classic. Here's one of the pairs I've got my eye on...
Frye Shirley Strappy Short Boot, $298
Here's the reason why I love these boots - not only are they unique but the possibilities are endless! The color allows for combinations with most palletes, and the height and strap allows you to dress them up or down. Whether you pair them with a dress, leggings, or jeans they are sure to make a statement. I feel all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it. If only there were like...half the price. Sigh.
When if comes to getting a good deal on a fashionable and trendy boot, I like to go for certain brands that I know won't break the bank - Nine West, Jessica Simpson, Steve Madden, and Big Buddha to name a few. Normally these brands offer a selection of styles that will work for most wardrobes without causing you to miss a meal...or seven.
Rocket Dog SoundOff Boot, $59
Big Buddha Willo Boot, $59.95
Madden Girl Prittyy Black Boot, $59.95
Nine West Smitten Boot, $99
And if you can't get those Frye boots out of your head like me, just wait until the end of the season...when the prices are slashed in half. Let's face it...with the holidays coming up all I can think about are those fantastic sales - nothing like a good deal to get this Fashionista fired up!
So hopefully you'll continue to join me on my fashion journey as I rediscover all of those items that I just can't live without...or at least not this season!

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