Well, let's just say that life as a full time Engineer who also takes classes is not at all fun. And here are a few reasons why:
- You have to work with UNDERGRADS
Honestly, a lot changes in the real world. When you have a 40+ hour a week job that requires you to...I don't know, work all day you go to bed at 9:30pm and wake up at 5:30am. Yes, that's exactly 8 hours...because that's all you have time for.
So when you decide to be ambitious and ALSO go to school, you basically use every bit of free time working on class. Gone are the days of weekends because you have to listen to 3 lectures and read 3 chapters on how often your neurons are firing.
And when you can do this on your own time, that's wonderful. Trust me. But...when you have to reply on others for project work...it's enough to make you want to shake them and tell them that THIS IS NOT HOW THINGS WORK IN THE REAL WORLD.
Last week, I was in Boston all week for work. I got home Friday evening, and proceeded to work Saturday and Sunday on a project from the class from hell. Imagine my surprise when one of my peers let's the team know that he will be unavailable for the weekend because he and his gf are celebrating their 6 month anniversary. It took a lot of patience to not provide the statistical probabilities of he and said gf staying together and having a successful engagement/marriage, etc. but I also wanted to shake him. I would love to have a weekend galavanting around some college campus with a hot (or even mediocre at this point in my life) co-ed whose only concern is whether or not you're going to lavaliere her any time soon. I mean really? This project is like 50% of our grade - get focused...before I jump off a bridge.
2. You complete activities that are completely irrelevant to your actual job
My current class, Quantitative Physiology, involves hour long powerpoint lectures that seem to "pass" over the concepts. So, after cover 10 chapters, 12 lectures, and other various research papers, studying for the exam is quite overwhelming. Well, imagine my frustration when said exam is over EVERY MINUTE DETAIL OF ONE OF THOSE LECTURES. Are you kidding me? I really have to tell you every aspect about why a monkey isn't rewarded by focusing on a dot?
Guess what students? You will never use this. In fact, in the real world you are NEVER tested. And when you are...it's about the Bloodborne Pathogens you "might" come across in your work.
So excuse me for being a little PISSED that I spent 6 hours of my Sunday prepping for an exam that only covered about 30 minutes of my studying time. I hate you.
3. The only thing comparable is working with others...
That's right, the only thing I can find comparable to my actual job is that I am completing a ton of work that I will never get credit for. Why yes, I'd love to rely on my "technical expert" counterparts to be able to write a paragraph, but apparently they were blessed with aptitude on one side of the brain.
Yes, I'm a neurotic control freak who still wants to do my best, but jesus...how's about a comma every once and then? And spell check...that's there for a reason kids.
So basically, my education has only proven one thing for me. That my anxiety medication either works great or that my world view has really taken a 180 in the last 6 years...because basically, my only goal at the end of the semester is to receive a B in the course. Still aiming too high? Well that's only so I will be reimbursed by my company.
Only 28 and I am already a bitter adult. Success!

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